DG Multilingual Services offers quality translation services to help your business go global by reaching your customers in their own language.

DG Multilingual Services offers quality translation services to help your business go global by reaching your customers in their own language.

In this section you will be able to see the latest news and updates. Keep up to date and remember to follow DG Multilingual Services in your favourite social networks!
2015 is finally here!
January 2015
Wow, 2015! I don’t know about you, but for me it seems it was yesterday when we entered the new millennium… and here we are! In 2015!...
DG Multilingual Services visits Veolia with the Yorkshire Translators & Interpreters Network
September 2014
On Saturday the 27th September, a group of translators from the YTI network of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting attended an open day at Veolia’s Energy Recovery Facility, in Sheffield.
DG Multilingual Services at the International Trade Expo, Liverpool
June 2014
On the 10th June 2014 Daniel González, from DG Multilingual Services, visited the International Trade Expo in Liverpool. The International Trade Expo was a 2-day exhibition with the aim of providing a one-stop advice service for UK Businesses who trade (or are thinking of trading) internationally...
Yorkshire Grand Depart
May/June 2014
In July 2014, the start of one of the biggest sporting events in the world, the Tour de France, will take place in Yorkshire. This event is know as the Yorkshire Grand Depart and it's a historical moment, not only for the region of Yorkshire, but for the whole of the UK...
Awards Ceremony for MAP Project at Leeds Civic Hall
May 2014
Earlier this year I wrote about the MAP Project, run by Leeds City Council, and I talked about how proud I felt to take part in this unique and fantastic project...
Great Manchester Run
May 2014
On Sunday 18th May DG Multilingual Services was present at the Great Manchester Run, raising money for the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign.
Spring Update
May 2014
It's nearly summer again! 2014 is definitely flying! New and exciting projects mean that it is probably going to get even busier!
Social Responsibility: Projects Update
April 2014
We have finally confirmed some of the charity work and community project we will be taking part in the next few months... and it's very exciting!!!
Social Responsibility: 2014 Projects
February 2014
2014 is already under way and DG Multilingual Services is, as every year, planning some Social Responsibility projects. Apart from the ongoing projects with Juconi Ecuador or Translators without Borders among other organisations, some new ideas and opportunities are also coming into fruition....
Busy January and TweetUp North 2.0
January 2014
It’s difficult to believe that we are already in February! DG Multilingual Services started 2014 working in a wide variety of projects so it’s been really busy and time definitely flies!...
Season's Greetings from DG Multilingual Services
December 2013
DG Multilingual Services would like to wish you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year!
DG Multilingual Services at Tweet Up North, Manchester
November 2013
On Saturday 30th November 2013, DG Multilingual Services attended Tweet Up North, in Manchester.
Tweet Up North (or #TweetUpN) is a pan-regional networking event for translators, interpreters and other language professionals. DG Multilingual Services was one of 3 Language Service Providers attending from the Yorkshire area...
DG Multilingual Services at WTM 2013, London
November 2013
DG Multilingual Services attended World Travel Market 2013 between the 3-6 November at the ExCel, in London. WTM is the biggest Trade Show for professionals from the Travel and Tourism Industry. As DG Multilingual is specialised in translations in this sector, it was an excellent way of meeting current clients and making new contacts...
New Website
November 2013
DG Multilingual Services has a new website! It has taken a while but the new website is ready. Hopefully this will provide a new platform to be in touch and to present our range of services clearly. The site is compatible with mobile devices, so you can keep in touch with DG Multilingual Services on the go! It should be accessible from any device, but if you are having any issues loading the page from a specific device, please let us know!